All Stories published by The Awl on December 21, 2009

Ross Douthat Would Make A Fine Atheist

Ross Douthat goes after what he calls “Hollywood’s religion of choice” in the Times today: “Avatar is [James] Cameron’s long apologia for pantheism-a faith that equates God with Nature, and calls humanity into religious communion with the natural world.”…

A Decade Of Terrible Puns

If you go by the New York Post’s selection of its best front pages of the decade, we ushered in The Nads with the 9/11 terrorist attacks and ushered them out with the revelation that an illustrious linksman banged a bunch of broads. Unnoted in the review of the past ten years: the…


Serious diversity hits this list, compiled by PopJew, of the cutest boys in the music scene, right around #7: Aaron Lefkove from Liquor Store. “Any cute boyz list would not be complete without at least one Jewish boy.” But just one, we hope. (via the Jew in question.)

Overbearing Government To Prevent People From Dying In Planes On Runways

The socialist takeover of the airline industry has begun (again): “The Transportation Department is ordering airlines to let passengers stuck in stranded airplanes to deplane after three hours.” The new…

Naked Guy Guilty

A judge found the Fairfax, VA, man arrested back in October for being naked in his own house guilty of indecent exposure on Friday. Erick Williamson, 29, will appeal, and remains at large-and possibly naked.


Pick your poison, because THIS is what’s out there today: “Princess Diana opened her Christmas presents weeks in advance, private letters reveal” or “The Simpsons may affect view of nuclear plants: prof.” It is an ENTIRE INTERNET full of “And That’s When I Clicked ‘Close Tab.’” Can’t we just call it Christmas already?

Berlusconi, Everyone Else, Looking Forward To The End Of This Year

Turns out that getting smacked in the face with a souvenir statuette was probably the best thing to happen to Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in a rather difficult year: He’s back over 50% in popularity…

Arbeit macht found.

Good news! The stolen Auschwitz sign has been recovered! “Police spokeswoman Katarzyna Padlo told The Associated Press that the sign was found in northern Poland. She said police also detained five men aged between 25 and 39 who are being transported to Krakow for questioning.” It’s a Christmas miracle!

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