All Stories published by The Awl on December 09, 2009

The Further Decline of Union Square: The W Hotel Foreclosure Auction

Beyond the drama of the big numbers, here’s a helpful explanation of what happened to the W Union Square Hotel, which had a fun and dramatic foreclosure auction yesterday. (Union Square! Such carnage, all…

“Is The American Dream Over?” Some Say Yes! Others, No! Some Shrug

Times bloggers Gail Collins and David Brooks are getting into it over, you know, the future of America and stuff. I love that they have, I guess, iChat now! Gail: When the bubble burst last year, I didn’t see it as…

I Am Begging Her To Do Christmas With Me Now

What Christmas with our own belovedMary HK Choi is like: “My favorite spontaneous trip ever was to Saratoga Springs from Christmas Eve to Boxing Day. My best friend had just suffered an EPIC breakup and was in a really sinister and twisty headspace so…

You Will Die Alone, And More Quickly

Can loneliness give you cancer? Let’s screw with some rats and see! “[S]cientists separated their test rats at birth, keeping them either in groups of five or alone. Those kept alone had a 135% increase in the number of mammary tumours, a 8,391% increase in the…

On Uganda

Two recent items of interest regarding Uganda: this, on what one Ugandan gay men expects. (“Will I be fired if the company is threatened? Of course.”) That is a blog we’re going to be reading regularly now. And also, Awl pal Andrew Rice’s commentary over at Gawker was fascinating.

Tim McKernan

Sad news from the world of sports: “Tim ‘Barrel Man’ McKernan, an avid Broncos fan who was known for wearing a barrel, cowboy hat, cowboy boots and not much else, died in his sleep this morning of lung failure. He was 69.” For ‘this morning’ read ‘last week,’ but it’s still kind of timely: Pretty soon…

I Am Wistful For Things I Never Even Liked

Portrait of a changing America: “As the beer can nears its 75th birthday in January, many hobbyists are crying in their brew over their inability to lure young people to a pastime that hooked many of them when they were youngsters in the 1970s. ‘We’d ride…

And Take Me With You

Oh look, it’s already time for the death lists for 2009! Don’t worry, there’s still plenty of time to die this year.

Gay Marriage: A Good Argument For Death Panels?

New Jersey’s State Senate votes on gay marriage tomorrow, and, despite the support of Garden State God Bruce Springsteen, the bill seems unlikeley to pass. If that’s the case, it will be a dispiriting end to what has been a terrible year for…

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