All Stories published by The Awl on December 23, 2009

Good God, Fiddle While Rome’s Newspapers Burn Much?

Extremely racist newspaper commenters are apparently the fault of sports blog Deadspin, which is “not a serious news-gathering source,” says Chicago Sun-Times web editor. RELATED: Chicago Sun-Times web editor kind of an idiot, right?

I Feel Bad About My President’s Neck

You know what makes for a bad morning? It’s when you finally read one of those 9000-word HuffPo pieces that have been going around for a couple days, about how the President is whiffing, and how this healthcare bill is kind of bullshit and… you pretty much agree…

Counterpoint: I’m Okay, My President’s Neck Is Okay

Quick retort to the previous entry, which seems to suffer from the persistent refusal to acknowledge the institutional realities that has been such a hallmark of progressive thought over the last year. I’ll see your HuffPo and raise you an…

Good Riddance, Rudy

Here is an obituary for Rudy Giuliani’s political career. Is it still possible that he might at some point in the future be considered a viable candidate for state or national office? Sure, I can envision a scenario. It looks a lot like The Road.

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