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Self Improvement

How to Stop being Judgmental?

Judging others is very easy as all you need to do is observe their activities and comment on them. This has a lot to do with a person’s mindset where he or she feels that it is imperative to pass judgment on others and the voice inside their head reminds them of all the things…

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living?

There is often a moment in the lives of most of us, where we need to stop worrying and start…

How to log an entire day of food in MyFitnessPal in 54 seconds

Here’s a quick video I made showing how I logged a full day of healthy eating in 54 seconds on the MyFitnessPal app.

Everything You Do Sucks At The Beginning, Then It Sucks Less
Tom Kuegler

Tom Kuegler your candidness is fresh, fun, and reassuring.

I agree. Everyone sucks in the beginning, and those who wind up doing well tend to suck the most.

In other words, winners fail more than losers. As you said, preservance separates those who succeed from those who don’t -- not mistakes.