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Self Improvement

Insider Guide: Move Without Fear

Chelsea Aguiar Offers Inspiration- “The World Needs You”

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Why Perfectionism Gets in the Way of Joy
John P. Weiss

I really enjoyed your article, John. Absolutely, positively loved it, in fact.

I have a small issue with these lines that I have quoted here:

“The self help gurus and personal growth experts, however well intentioned, don’t help. They tell me to get up insanely early, read thousands of books a week…

What the Term “Best Friend” Really Implies.

A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.” -Proverbs 27:9

Why you should Accept Yourself the Way you Are?

Did you ever feel this way? Do you feel the need of being more happier than you currently are? Maybe a little positive about yourself will work? Yes, indeed. Some people are so deeply rooted in self-questioning or self-criticism. A thick shell of…

Why you MUST have some Moral Values in Life?

Moral values help a person to distinguish the right from the wrong. Moral values…