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Self Improvement

How to Tell Your Story without Reliving Your Story

This post first appeared at performingwoman.com on January 8, 2017.

One of the greatest lessons that the internet ever taught me was that I was not alone.

You Can’t Outthink Life

In the context of my last week’s article I wanted to talk about a couple of things that help me figure out the next…

How I learned to accept my bravery

A few weeks ago I attended a conference in Tennessee.

Throughout the weekend, as I told my story of loss, tragedy, excitement and adventure, I heard one particular refrain over and over again: “you’re so brave.”

176. Be the superhero you’ve always wanted to be
Johnson Kee

Of course, it has to start in your head.” — Johnson Kee

Personally, I feel that it has to start in your HEART.

“ Work a bit harder, everyday.” — Johnson Kee

That is the mantra of almost every single self-help pundit on the planet. Not happy? Just work harder. Not wealthy…