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Self Improvement

Ooh, look what you made me do

When I was starting with this blog thing, I never thought that Taylor Swift would inspire me to write a…

I Evolved!

Wazaaaa! I thought I’ll christen my new website, talking about the new, change, growth.

Do you recognise…

What is the meaning of self-discipline?

Merriam-Webster defines self-discipline as the “correction or regulation of oneself for…


Interested in protecting the biggest emotional investment of your life?

Want the bickering moments to stop?

Have you ever wondered why your spouse has no clue why you’re so upset?

What if change does not have to be hard?

by Sarah-Jane Farrell | Sep 26, 2017 | adverse childhood experience, Animals, Business, Health, Impact, money, natural health remedies, nervous system dysregulation, Relationships, self love, shadow work, story telling, tele class, trauma, Uncategorized | 0…

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