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Self Improvement

User Authentication Kata with Elixir and Phoenix

It’s no secret that’s I’m a fan of code katas. Over the years I’ve spent quite a bit of time on CodeWars and other kata platforms, and I’ve written a large handful of Literate Commit style articles outlining kata solutions:

Can your Mind Heal the Body?

The power of your mind (also be termed as willpower) is correlated with several positive outcomes in life…

The Masks We Wear

Who are we behind our masks?

I went to a really interesting discussion on the Droppin’ The Mask. The masks we wear. We wear them out of social necessity or out of internal drivers. We wear them as tools to carry out our day-to-day lives. What happens…

Macbeth: Act 4, Scene 2

How could it be wisdom! To leave his wife, his children, his house, and his titles in a place so unsafe that he…


Imagine the Amazon Jungle: a vast space containing nearly two thousand different species of animals, three hundred…