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Self Improvement

Should you take the blame for things that are not your fault?

There are many situations in life when we don’t get our due. People are often judged, punished and blamed for no fault of theirs. Blames, arguments, debates are a part and parcel of our lives. No one can escape them. Nor can…

How You Can Be The Best At Everything You Do?

We, human beings, have a lot on our plate and all the dishes are different from one another. We cannot expect each one to be delish, but we can try our best to taste everything and decide what is right for us and work accordingly to get positive…

Hello Melissa
Jan Lindner

Hey Jan Lindner, I do see the film first a lot of the time — probably because it’s more convenient and faster to do so. If I really like the film and the story behind it, then there’s a good chance I’ll check out the book that it’s based on.

So even though television and books can be two seemingly opposing mediums, they can…

What I Learned From Not Exercising
Hi Tiffany!

True enough, for sure, Tiffany. Our bodies need to heal and rebuild and recover from being worked, especially to the point of failure. That is a completely normal cycle that is often overlooked by crazy fitness people. You really can’t go on and on without a chance to recover.

What does criticism tell us?

Today I want to share my perception of criticism. One thing is for sure, you can’t avoid it, you can’t duck…

This story is unavailable.

Great article kevin! Very informative.