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Self Improvement

How to overcome your Superiority Complex?

A Superiority Complex equals to lack of Emotional Intelligence. Studies suggest that a…

Inner Beauty Or Outer Beauty: What matters the Most?

Whenever we talk about beauty, there is always a certain idea that we tend to refer to. There is an image of perfect beauty that the society has managed to construct, which remains the constant guidelines for assessing and measuring…

How to Live the Life of your Dreams?

Living the life of your dreams requires well-balanced ideas and realistic implementation of those ideas. It requires planning from an early age so that you don’t lag behind in your ambitions and organize your hard work into the free hour’s everyone else is enjoying.

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I think your premise is right, Jonathan, I do think we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. I am still not sure if this idea refers to the mean, median or mode but on its face the idea is solid.

This line from your article:

“It stresses that you need to take control of how…
we always regress back to the mean:
How To Fight Anxiety
Niklas Göke

The trick then is the raise the mean. Research supports the idea you can raise your happiness set point.

Beyond that, the biggest bang for your buck comes from changing your philosophy and mindset. Take the advice of Thich Nhat Hanh

“There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way”

Tips To Be Your True Self

Being one’s true self is really a challenge as conformism runs deep and high in our society. The resistance of even the strongest is broken when their non-conformism blocks their daily money-making. When one conforms to something it doesn’t believe in, he or she is going against his…

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Maria Cambiaso — 15 Things Mindful People Do Differently

Maria Cambiaso: Mindfulness is the ability to know what is happening in your mind without reacting to it. It is the awareness that arises through paying attention. The infographic below indicates 15 habits of mindful people that you…

Better Balance in 60 Seconds

With the holiday season quickly approaching, we can all find immediate and lasting benefits if we pause and…