All Stories published by The Awl on April 08, 2009

Who Knew Drea De Matteo Was A Bitch?

Obviously everyone everywhere is turned inside out by this week’s Us story on Lindsay Lohan. Particularly because-wait, what? “’Everyone’s turned on me,’ says the actress. She tells the magazine that the night of the Chateau showdown, Nicole Richie walked by her…

Circumcisions Less Popular Due To Cheapness

“Circumcisions are down by 24 percent in the 16 states where foreskin removal is not covered by Medicaid.”

World Trade Center Logos

The City Room blog had a competition for logos of the forthcoming World Trade Center building! We like this one. We think. The whole thing is, I dunno, somewhere between disturbing and amusing and irritating. Anyway they have a few more years, decades, whatever, to work on the logo before the building gets a foundation.

Sad Hostels In Brooklyn

The recession has come to this already: shared rooms, with bunkbeds, available in New York City’s lovely Greenpoint. They are called “guesthouses.” They cost $225 a week for “nonstudents.” They are essentially illegal hostels in failed condo buildings. This is neat. It is sort of like…

Jim Henson’s “Youth ‘68”

Oooh, get your tickets to the screening of Jim Henson’s Youth ’68 now. The hour-long doc plays on May 6 at the 92nd St. Y’s Tribeca Screening Room. You will surely run into fans of the early pre-Muppet experimental work of Henson such as Neil Patrick Harris. (Uh, “no homo” to that whole sentence.)

Don’t Cry For Me Moldova

Our revolutionary anti-Communist Party student friends in adorable landlocked Moldova are organizing via Twitter, says the delightful Ellen Barry in the Times! Maybe the idiot status-update service is not so bad. Except now they are all just retweeting the article. Noise! Signal! Noise!

Morrissey and Margaret Thatcher

Stephen Metcalf on Morrissey and the 80s: “I think the word that best captures the times is heartless, as evident in the stupid rictus of Sting’s face, circa 1983, as it was in Margaret Thatcher’s budget cuts. No wonder Morrissey’s voice sounded so fresh, so slyly…

A Bad Gay Day For The Country

Ain’t no stopping them now. Gays now will not rest until they can wed in any state they wish-even the crappy states! Reports the Times: “’It’s a bad day for the country,’ said Brian Brown, executive director of the National Organization for Marriage.” That’s right Brian…

Dork Yearbook!

Oh no, here we go, brand new: Dork Yearbook. Book deals! Tumblr deals! Blog books! TV Shows! Katie Couric! I can smell the success from here.

New York City’s ‘Rainbow Pilgrimage’

You should really have a look at the New York City campaign to get gay people to come to New York. (Yeah, like they’re not already all here? Have you been outside today? It’s overdressed Jews for Passover and gays gays gays.) Oh, it is highly embarrassing, this…

First They Came For The Renters

“The average rent in Los Angeles County fell almost 4% in 2008 as apartment occupancy rates dropped and new units came online. The decline should continue this year as more renters lose their jobs.”

2009 Guggenheims Announced!

The 2009 Guggenheims have been announced! Now is that time every year when you go through the list and say out loud, “That bitch got a Guggenheim?” But good news! This year, there’s Alexi Worth, who also wrote for a good while the art gallery snippets in the front of the New Yorker.

Don’t ever leave us again, Barack!

Barack Obama should stay chained to his desk until the economy is perfect again, because otherwise we’re going to get more articles like this, explaining how “voters” are too stupid to understand that part of a president’s job is to meet with the leaders of other countries, sometimes on foreign soil.

Black Cab Sessions now yellow.

The Black Cab Sessions-the British website where a variety of indie musicians play a song while driving around in the back of a, yes, black cab-is taping some performances here in New York! The first clip features Dawn Landes.

Banker wives

Bloomberg’s Matthew Lynn has an ABSOLUTELY INSANE column today expressing sympathy for the pitiful businessmen who are forced to shell out money to the trophy wives they’ve discarded even in the teeth of this dismal economic climate. Lynn writes with a tongue-in-cheek tone which will probably provide…

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