All Stories published by The Awl on April 20, 2009

The Awl Office Seating Chart

This morning people were all like, “Oh okay, publishing Gawker’s office seating chart is one thing, but to be fair, shouldn’t you post your own? Okay, fine!

Here we are in the East Village.

Just Dance, One Hit Wonder!

An appreciation of disco queen Lady Gaga that we can get behind.

What is most amusing is watching a trained pro like Lady Gaga try to sell herself as the Flying Lizards. Who were they? A colorfully deadpan British art-school unit of brainy, primitive…

People who tanked the economy have feelings too

Gabriel Sherman has a novella in today’s New York that chronicles the hurt and anger many on Wall Street feel at being made the villains of the current economic crisis just because of their boundless greed and damn-the-torpedoes risk taking. It’s…

What If The Wingnuts Were Right About Aliens?

You know when you’re a little bit tired and you read about an Apollo 14 astronaut who insists there are aliens out there in space and that the government is covering it all up, and you think, “What a wingnut!” And then you think: Well, wait a moment…

J-School Is A Rip-Off

Nicholas Lemann, the dean of Columbia’s j-school, is a foul pimp selling lies to youngsters for a half-lifetime of crippling debt. Suze Orman should come down from on high and decapitate him with a DVD from the “Complete New Yorker” set.

Slap a new coat of paint on him and Jeeves is back.

An auspicious sign for Web revivals? “ is to relaunch in the UK as Ask Jeeves three years after ditching the brand. The butler character will be reintroduced to the search engine’s branding and advertising after a makeover-by Savile…

In Which A Cat Is Abandoned

Vice magazine has finally found its sweet spot, in this article entitled I DITCHED MY CAT IN THE HAMPTONS OVER THE WEEKEND, in which the author allegedly ditches his/her cat in the Hamptons over the weekend. Update: Crazily typical and yet still surprising! Now s/he swears that s/he still has precious kittens in custody.

Everyone’s a critic… OF THE JEWS.

Dr. Moshe Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress: “I have seen two movies recently made by Jews in Hollywood. One was Valkyrie, which is a pro-Nazi film. The other is Slumdog Millionaire, which deals with the Muslim population in India, and in which one of…

The Awl: Now 100% more live.

Hey there! Welcome to The Awl.

There’s some information about us here. You can get in touch with us here. Those little boxes below are what you click on to comment; the registration process is apparently pretty easy. It’s day one, so…

Obama: same as the old boss

Left Business Observer’s Doug Henwood


President HopeNChange has pretty much turned the federal government into a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall Street. It’s fashionable in some circles, even around these halls, to attribute…

This is Wii you’re fat.

Our active society: “Interviews with orthopedists and sports medicine physicians revealed few serious injuries, but rather a phenomenon more closely resembling a spreading national ache: patients of all ages complaining of strains and swelling related to their use-and overuse-of the Wii.”

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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