All Stories published by The Awl on April 22, 2009

Two Years Of ‘The Atlantic’ For $20

Signs of the recession:

While their website may be offering ten issues for $24.50, in yesterday’s mail came a two year subscription offer to The Atlantic for twenty dollars. Disturbing! The magazine adjusted its rate base to…

An Academic Doubts The Academy

Michael Sayeau, now at University College London, returned from last week’s conference entitled “On the Idea of Communism” in somewhat low spirits regarding the state of academic conferencing.

Our papers, we tell ourselves, are incisive critiques of…

Person with twice-weekly column feels no need to provide instant updates

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd does not like Twitter. You are probably already aware of this fact. They have probably already tweeted the fuck out of it over in the Twitterverse. The jokes, as they…

Everything Is Rotten In L.A.

And finally, the ongoing feud between ex-friends Sharon Waxman (late of the Times and now the editrix of Starbucks-backed The Wrap) and Nikki Finke (the blogess of Deadline Hollywood Daily) has exploded. Because, really, how much more time would we have to spend considering…

Plus, her dog will protect her

Attention stalkers: the New York Observer reveals Page Six vet Paula Froelich’s home address in a profile pegged to the forthcoming release of Mercury in Retrograde, the gossip girl’s entry into the world of genre fiction. (The novel is set in her building.) Should we worry…

Writers Write When They Can, I Guess

You lazy herd animal. This dude wrote an entire novel whilst commuting on the F train. Typing on a bloody phone.

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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