All Stories published by The Awl on April 16, 2009

Gynecologist Recommended? Hot Lube Approved!


From the depths of a lady-discussion regarding these new varieties of KY: “I use the warming lube sometimes; it isn’t icyhot hot, but it is warm. It’s about as warm as…

Child Abuse Way Up Among Poor People!

If you’re like most everyone else, what makes you want to shake a baby is poverty. But while child abuse doctors-so-called “experts”-are claiming that child abuse is very much on the rise because of the recession, they don’t know that. What else changed in the…

‘Columbine’ Excerpts Online

There are excerpts out from Dave Cullen’s Columbine, which is supposed to be terrific-and which corrects a number of garbled facts about what took place during everyone’s favorite school murder rampage.

Resident Alien, by Denton Crisp

Gawker Media Overlord Nick Denton [see, context!] reminisces about his early days in New York:

I remember going to a party with a bunch of Broadway and film gays, and the one-liner one-upmanship felt like a scene from Will & Grace, which at the…

Snakes Attack Airplane!

Remember when everyone used to talk about snakes on planes? Now there are some scary snakes loose on an Australian airplane. Yet no one will care, because that is so 2007.

Pretty Much No More Freelancing At The ‘Times’

You will never freelance for the Times again, J-school young’uns: according to executive editor Bill Keller today, “the freelance budget, as planned, will be cut significantly because of these moves and that it will ‘save millions of dollars-savings that would otherwise have to come out of payroll.’”

That TARP Money Ain’t Coming Back, No How

Now there is a Tarp-o-Meter. “So far, only a handful of smaller banks that received TARP money have paid back their debts, totaling a meager $353 million, about .0005 percent of the $700 billion allocated for the bad-asset-gobbling government program.”

There is no logical reason that I chose this movie but whatever

This photo of Dana Milbank-part of the Washington Post’s misguided new series of “personality pages”-is just a bad idea. I think it’s the soft focus mounting that makes it look so terrible. Can you imagine how horrifying…

Washington Post Memo About Editing Could Use An Edit

Your shit is so busted.

From the Washington Post’s memo about “restructuring,” which is really apparently about less editing happening faster, including stories being managed on a “universal desk”…

Drop me a line if you remember.

Nobody’s talking about the real victim in this whole hipster grifter story: it’s the guy who first said “I want you to give me a handjob. With your mouth.” I think it was a comedian, but I’m damned if I can remember the name. Anyway, that’s who’s losing all the credit.

Steal big

In case you don’t feel like reading through all the “blah blah blah back in William Randolph Hearst’s day” that Jack Shafer uses to bulk out his column, here’s the abridged version: It’s okay that the Huffington Post steals, because they steal quickly, frequently, and with a keen eye toward efficient SEO.

Isn’t it time you gave something back? Like your kidney?

Why are so few people registered organ donors when the process is so simple that anyone whose capabilities include checking an ‘x’ in a box on a driver’s license…

Basically, the economy went tits up.

Here is an extended comparison between our decade of boom and bust and Tara Reid’s decade of, well, bust and bust.

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