All Stories published by The Awl on April 10, 2009

Reading The April Men’s Vogue

Here is a new edition of reading magazines at the pedicure shop, where magazines should be read, as inspired by Emily Gould. I chose to read the April Men’s Vogue, which is written by women. Men’s Vogue doesn’t exist any more really but in April it was compiled upside-down to…

Protest Planned Over Iraq Murders Of Gay Men

Avowed homosexuals are going to protest at the Iraqi U.N. Mission in New York City on Friday, April 10, because the murder toll for gay men in Iraq has now hit a rather shocking six a week. But Iraq, on the path to democracy, is totally catching up to the U.S.! They’re just only up to 1935.

Congressman who offered idiot bill upset that people consider him an idiot.

Freshman Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL) is upset by the reaction to his proposed bill requiring presidential candidates to provide their birth certificates as proof of Constitutional eligibility.

Can’t You Hear Jesus Crying?

Here is a lovely heap of Good Friday music, for the passion of Jesus and stuff. It’s nice to listen to pretty things while thinking about people getting nailed to something. And if you hit play on all those videos at once, that’s what Jesus heard in his head on this very day!

NYPD Beats Students On The Street

It’s worth watching this pretty horrifying video of arrests today at the New School, from City Room, to find out that: 1. The chief spokesman for the NYPD is an outrageous liar, as he claimed that no teargas or pepperspray was used and, 2. The president of the New…

Observe And Report Gets Creamed

It’s completely genius that film critic Manohla Dargis decided to take the new Seth Rogen mall cop caper film deadly seriously: “It’s hard to see what is so bold about a film that, much like the world outside the theater, turns the pain and humiliation of other people into a consumable spectacle.”

Jesus Tweets for the second time.

Head here at noon if you’re interested in the Twitter version of the Stations of the Cross.

Meghan McCain Book Deal

24-year-old Meghan McCain received an advance in “the high six figures” from Hyperion for her next book, which is expected to be a collection of photos that explain why your suicidal pet is overweight.

Up on the roof

The New Yorker’s George Packer shares the wisdom of the roofer:

“It’s like they’re afraid of me! So they hire a guy who’s more comfortable dealing with a masculine-type person. I stand there and talk to the customer, and the customer doesn’t talk to me or look at me, he talks…

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