All Stories published by The Awl on April 17, 2009

Citi, Bank Of Liars

Citigroup’s quarterly results, announced this morning, are a huge pile of bullshit. That the New York Times would headline their story “After Year of Heavy Losses, Citigroup Finds a Profit” is fairly dubious-although “finds” is hilarious. That’s because Citi actually went out and found a way

Tweeting Yourself To Death

First Virginia Heffernan announced she hated her iPhone; now the NYT mag columnist on all things webby is totally over Twitter. And she goes to a dark place! “I used to think that writers on the Web who feared hate mail and carping bloggers were just being old-fashioned and…

Weathercaster Sam Champion Even Twitters Gay

Sam Champion: Morning! Just passed two hot muscle cars in our front lobby!!! about 10 hours ago from TwitterBerry

Reality show sensation headed for fall.

Tracking the backlash: “In the third stage, acclaim soars right up to the Cat Calendar Tolerance Level. This is the mass-public equivalent of the limited number of times an individual can look at the same picture in a cat calendar before being sorely tempted…

It’s all about the value-add.

You know, I like good murderous gun rampage story as much as the next guy, but where can I go when I want a little XTRA INSIGHT?

Ah, there we are. Thanks, Daily Beast! I can’t wait for your advice column, “Ask A Child Molester Who Is Having A Hard Time Resisting His Powerful Urges.”

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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