All Stories published by The Awl on April 29, 2009

Fashion Advice You Should Take Now Still

Yeah, listen up, you sloppy things!

[Vogue style director Alexandra Kotur] attributed her look to her mentor, [Jo] Levin, who upon her arrival at British GQ told her to throw out everything and invest in one beautiful cashmere…

You Can Be A Patron Of The Arts For One Dollar

Kickstarter has launched; it is a new micro-funding scheme for artists and makers of things in which anyone may “pledge” money towards a concept-you only pay your pledge if the proposer meets his or her fundraising goal. I am maybe going to go give…

Why Is The Batter Out Before The Ball Is Caught?

There’s something very Zen about this correction: “An article on April 14 about John Grunsfeld, an astronaut who is scheduled to lead the final servicing mission for the Hubble Space Telescope, referred incorrectly to the capacity of the indoor…

The Definitive ‘Portfolio’ History

Well, here is the definitive end-of-Portfolio-magazine story:

At first we were all high-end, we were thought leaders,” said a staffer. “Early on, our stories were about the biggest house, the biggest hedge-fund member, or if you can only own…

Soon We Will Find Out When Stars Were Made


A scientist promises: “In the next few years we should be able to pinpoint exactly at…

A Bad Day For Things That Other Things Go On

It’s bad enough that our college cafeteria trays are disappearing but now it looks like there’s trouble in the beer coaster industry as well. George Orwell’s vision of a grim, semi-industrialized future where every table is stained with ring-shaped…

WHO Pandemic Phase 5


The pandemic is on! I’m not a religious man, so I’ll probably just spend the Final Days raping and looting, but for those…

Austrian Tabloids, Beyonce Look-A-Likes, Art Museums, Huh?

Seriously, I’m having one of those days where everything I look at makes me go “What?Anyway: “US pop star Beyonce has angered a high-brow art museum in Vienna by sending a look-a-like to her own special personal tour of the…

Norm Coleman Needs Your Help, Maine Senators

A thought on the Specter switch: If you’re Norm Coleman, wouldn’t you be begging Susan Collins or Olympia Snowe to follow Arlen into the Democratic caucus right now? I mean, you want to run for Minnesota governor but you look like a jackass for…

Swine Flu: What To Do?

What should we call the swine flu? The Mexicans don’t want to claim it, the Jews don’t want to say the word “swine,” the Asians are hoping everyone remains focused on Mexico and doesn’t start looking east, and Ag Sec Tom Vilsack is concerned that the “swine” aspect of the moniker might…

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