All Stories published by The Awl on April 23, 2009

A Fond Goodbye To GeoCities

Sad news on the Internets: GeoCities, a pioneering web-hosting service that you should probably ask an older relative about, is shutting down later this year. Even worse, Yahoo!, which bought the service in 1999 [for $3.5 billion], isn’t being very polite to the existing users…

Museums, Selling Off Art

A number of museums-including MoMA, Harvard and the Hirshhorn-are currently selling art from their collections. Expect more! Because of the whattaya-call-it. The recession thing. As a bonus, this is where art people get crazy.

Is A Link Payment?

Things to think about during lunch! Here is a comment on a New York magazine Daily Intel blog post: “A writer at the NYTimes, Post (NY or Huffington), etc. researches and writes an article over X days/weeks/months. NYMag then takes the story and rebrands it as Daily Intel with (maybe) a link to…

The Very First CDO

If I could entirely grasp this account of the first collateralized debt obligation, I would understand everything. (And if you can, please come work here!) However, I do understand the phrase “the next shoe to drop,” so it is worth reading this piece by Felix Salmon all the way to the end even if your brain smokes a little in the middle.

Social scientists discover link economy.

The Economist takes note of a study entitled “Blogs and the Economics of Reciprocal Attention.” Here’s the abstract:

We argue in this paper that attention to one’s blog is won by paying attention to other bloggers. We derive…

Former President Assesses A Successor

Here’s the Twitter-length history of the George W. Bush presidency, from a previous occupant of the office: “George had a pretty good ride for a while-the economy was pretty good. And then it ended up nasty up there. Mean.” Yeah, that’s exactly how I remember it too!

GM To Take The Summer Off

Guess what, no one wants to buy your busted-ass cars! “General Motors Corp. is planning to temporarily close most of its U.S. factories for up to nine weeks this summer.” So here is the deal. Companies like GM are almost of no interest to us snooty folks who live in places like New…

“Because, what, you’re gonna fly coach?”


Here’s a round-up of recent advertisements in the private jet category. Uh, good luck, fellas.

Hyperlocal news you can use about farecards! We really are a wide-ranging website.

ATTN New Yorkers: “Subway and bus riders who buy unlimited-ride MetroCards before fares go up on May 31 must use them by June 8 to receive the full present value of the cards.” Of course…

Hedge Funds To The Rescue

Compare and contrast: “Can Hedge Funds Get Us Out Of This Mess?” vs. “I Fucked My Way Into This Mess, And I’ll Fuck My Way Out”. One of them is fiction, but I’m hard-pressed to say which.

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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