Publication Index

Welcome to Secured Finance

Secured Finance Official
Secured Finance
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2023



To improve the navigation and accessibility of our diverse content on Secured Finance, we’ve compiled this comprehensive index page. It’s designed as a central hub for readers to quickly locate and delve into articles spanning various subjects. We commit to regularly updating this page, ensuring it remains an up-to-date and valuable resource for our community.

Photo by Jaredd Craig on Unsplash

White Paper and Concept Paper

Recent Announcement

  1. Embark on Filecoin’s Infinity Quest
  2. Introducing Secured Finance Points (SFP)

Step-by-Step Guides

  1. Setting up MetaMask Wallet
  2. Connecting Your Wallet
  3. Getting Test ETH from Sepolia Faucets
  4. Preparing Test Tokens for Practice
  5. Collateral Management
  6. Borrowing with Simple UI
  7. Lending with Simple UI
  8. Trading at Itayose (Pre-Open) Order Book
  9. Understanding Bond Trading and Zero-Coupon Bonds
  10. Placing Limit Order
  11. Add/Reduce or Unwind Position
  12. The Art of Setting Bond Prices for Limit Orders
  13. Rolling of Matured Loans
  14. User Guide on Emergency Global Settlement
  15. Navigating the Global Itayose Process

Trading Strategy

  1. Mastering Cross Currency Carry Trade on Secured Finance
  2. Mastering Yield Tenor Spread with Leverage
  3. Mastering Carry Roll-Down with Leverage

Contract Features

  1. Revolutionizing DeFi: A Sneak Peek into the Unique Features of Secured Finance
  2. Revolutionizing DeFi (1): Zero-Coupon Bond Trading
  3. Revolutionizing DeFi (2): Auto-Rolling Functionality
  4. Revolutionizing DeFi (3): Itayose Process
  5. Addressing Potential Exploits in DeFi Lending Orderbook
  6. Minimum Collateral Threshold
  7. Emergency Global Settlement
  8. Listing and Delisting Procedure

Protocol Updates

  1. Embark on Filecoin’s Infinity Quest
  2. Introducing Secured Finance Points (SFP)
  3. Trading Terminal Major Upgrade
  4. Latest Smart Contract Upgrade
  5. Test Pilot V3 Training Program
  6. Q3 Update: Engineering Team
  7. Q3 Update: Markets Team
  8. Q3 Update: Digital Strategy Team
  9. Test Pilot V2 Training Program
  10. Q2 Update: Engineering Team
  11. Q2 Update: Digital Strategy Team
  12. Q2 Update: Markets Team
  13. Introducing Secured Finance to Sepolia
  14. Q1 Update: Digital Strategy Team
  15. Q1 Update: Engineering Team
  16. Q1 Update: Markets Team
  17. Test Pilot V1 Training Program
  18. Secured Finance Updates in 2023

Event Updates

  1. Web3 Event Recap: 2024 Tokyo and Hong Kong
  2. DeFi meets TradFi:Web3が変える金融の未来 (Japanese)
  3. DeFi meets TradFi: Exploring the Future of Finance through Web3
  4. Secured Finance in Tokyo
  5. Secured Finance at FIL Singapore’22 Summit

DeFi Blog

  1. Can Upgradeable smart contracts be considered decentralized?
  2. Interest Rate Markets in DeFi
  3. Building Genuine Yield Curve
  4. 未来の金融 Ⅳ (Japanese)
  5. Future of Finance Ⅳ
  6. 未来の金融 Ⅲ (Japanese)
  7. Future of Finance Ⅲ
  8. 未来の金融 Ⅱ (Japanese)
  9. Future of Finance Ⅱ
  10. 未来の金融 Ⅰ (Japanese)
  11. Future of Finance Ⅰ
  12. 庆祝货币互换 40 周年 (Chinese)
  13. Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Currency Swaps
  14. 加密货币的结构化产品机遇 (Chinese)
  15. The Structured Products Opportunity for Cryptocurrency
  16. 如何在加密货币中玩转“收益率曲线”? (Chinese)
  17. Intro to ‘Yield Curve Play’ for Cryptocurrency
  18. 如何在DeFi中建立收益率曲线? (Chinese)
  19. Building Yield Curve for Decentralized Finance
  20. 金融体系民主化的蓝图 (Chinese)
  21. Master Plan for the Democratization of the Financial System
  22. 当传统金融面对DeFi时 (Chinese)
  23. When Traditional Finance Meets DeFi


We aim to ensure that our wealth of information is easily accessible and user-friendly. This index page will be regularly refreshed to reflect our newest content and insights. We thank our community for your continued support and engagement with Secured Finance.

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