2 min readSep 30, 2017

Complete List of Each Daily Guide for League of Legends (SEPTEMBER 2017)

Hello! If you didn’t know, for the month of September I have been doing 30 days of League of Legends related guides. Here is the complete list for you to check them and read whenever you need.

How to Ward when Sieging | Day 1/30

Why Janna is a highly contested, strong pick | Day 2/30

What to do if you cannot kill the enemy back line | Day 3/30

How to Ward Objectives | Day 4/30

How to Counter and Beat Utility Supports | Day 5/30

Why Damage Supports are not Very Strong in the Current Meta | Day 6/30

How to Impact the Game from the Support Role | Day 7/30

How to ward the Enemy Jungle- The Correct Way | Day 8/30

How to Track the enemy Jungler in the Early Game | Day 9/30

How to position correctly as the support | Day 10/30

How to Play Against Bruisers Toplane | Day 11/30

How to play against team fight compositions | Day 12/30

How to play against enemy poke compositions | Day 13/30

Why You Should Play Easy Champions in Low Elo | Day 14/30

How to Play Against Blitzcrank | Day 15/30

Why you SHOULD Mute Toxic Players | Day 16/30

When to Trade in League of Legends | Day 17/30

How to deal with Tilt | Day 18/30

How to Play Against Orianna | Day 19/30

How to Deal With Poke Lanes | Day 20/30

How to Deal with Ranked Anxiety | Day 21/30

How to Help your ADC farm Under tower | Day 22/30

How to Prevent Counter Jungling | Day 23/30

How to Counter Jungle Successfully | Day 24/30

How to Hit Skill Shots more Effectively | Day 25/30

How to Dodge Skill shots more Frequently | Day 26/30

How to Play Melee Vs Ranged | Day 27/30

How to Play From Behind in The Early Game | Day 28/30

Why You Should Dodge More | Day 29/30

League of Legends Tips | Day 30/30

Hi there, I hope you enjoyed this guide. If you did, maybe you’d like to show your support by checking out my Twitch channel. I stream very frequently and if you have any questions about this guide or improving at League of Legends, please come by some time and ask me a question or two. Thank you for your support, and I hope to see you soon :) PS, I’m Diamond 1 if that helps.