It is calm, there are no puzzles, the parcel arrives.
It wasn’t that she couldn’t let it go. The girl, sitting with her legs crossed, back against a couch covered in purple…
Don’t just dip your toesinto the moonless midnightof my mind.
He painted my nails again last night. We lay side by side on the bed and he maintained eye contact, took the bottle from the drawer…
When Till death do us part means
Till part of Us dies
I believe in promises the lofty childhood dreams of that bicycle with green paint,the dolls that defied gender roles.the angst ridden…
Vision dulls in the vivid danceof colours and asymmetry
Rising every morning with feet oncold floor, chilled water gushing fromtap, hot cup of tea…
When you think of wordsPaint the image in your head.Is “dream” what you wrote?