According to Wikipedia ~ Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder with a…
AWS DynamoDB Triggers (Event-Driven Architecture)
For any real life application that does any tasks that are resource-intensive…
I will guide you to make a Node.js app that crawls tweets from Twitter and calculates a…
All new technologies are criticized at the beginning of their arc to dominance. There are a number…
Let me tell you a short story about how we gathered WebRTC stats for Rumpus in just a day. By the way…
“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” — Paul J Meyer.
It’s been about five years since I was officially ‘fired’ for the first time.
The name I was given is different than the name I prefer to be called in adulthood.
We’ve all been neck-deep in the waters of emotional turbulence, whether we’re in a…
TENNIS ! 🎾 One of the most beautiful, enduring and powerful games that mankind has ever…
I’ve always been interested in software, and when the opportunity to pivot my career from being a…
Can you believe what you see in advertising? Come into my world. I’ll show you…
By Michael Gushue & CL Bledsoe
Back in my days as a banker I spent one year working at a branch that was a pretty good daily commute. Those…
A life hack to finding peace in online situations
So Far, Is It Worth The Effort?
Deepfake’s Ethical Dilemma
In late 2017, people were introduced to a new term: ‘deepfake.’ The news outlets raised the alarm, warning about the impending threat. The technology is so new that the editor tool in Microsoft Word marks it with the red squiggly line…
Since our beginnings as a species, human beings have searched high and low for an explanation as to why we are set…
I’m a minimalist so I love the idea of slashing government bureaucracy and replacing it with a…
We are all looking for a silver bullet when it comes to unlocking the secrets of success…
Has your child ever come up to you and proudly stated that when they are older they will obtain…
Pursuing your retirement dreams is challenging enough without making some…
How to crack that whip on your present problems
Redefining success and how you measure it makes this apparent.
At last count, I’ve been to 40 different countries, and if I have my way, that number will be 50 in…
Quis custodiet custodes ipsos (who watches the watchers)?