All Stories published by on March 19, 2017

The future is algorithms, not code

The current ‘big data’ era is not new. There have been other periods in human civilisation where we have been overwhelmed by data. By looking at these periods we can understand how a shift from discrete to abstract methods demonstrate why the emphasis should be on…

Open-Source-Driven Interviews

Interviewing is broken. Nagging the current interviewing standards has been a hot topic over the years. Ok, everyone’s expressing their discontent, but where’s the ultimate alternative solution? Well, It’s not exactly easy to fix, because interviewing apart from being broken…

The crowd-wisdom challenge [Results]

This is the follow-up post on The crowd-wisdom challenge post I’ve posted on March 7th.

The real results just came in.. Out of the 145 people who have guessed during the last 7 days. Linas Medžiūnas and someone named ikajava were the…

Elijah McClain, George Floyd, Eric Garner, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Michael Brown, Oscar Grant, Atatiana Jefferson, Tamir Rice, Bettie Jones, Botham Jean
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