How to query JSONB, beginner sheet cheat
There’s a lot of chatter and concern about S.J. Res. 34, a pending resolution that will allow Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to record your activity and then sell that…
It takes a lot of pieces to set up a React project from scratch using webpack. This is a walkthrough on how I set my last project up.
First let’s initialize npm.
As someone who’s had a startup not work out as planned (cough fail cough), one thing I’ve noticed is that we first-time founders always say “we wish people had told us this before” when we fail. We’ll write post-mortems full of the same old clichéd startup advice…
Ran into a problem at work looking into how to get actual uptime monitoring of our app, which, just pinging the url isn’t just enough. Sure that…
There is a new report that associates Let’s Encrypt with phishing. So lots of people in Twitter started screaming because they read phishing and Paypal in the same sentence.
Debugging is a skill you must employ when writing software and yet requires a uniquely different type of mindset. Software engineering (for most code) is largely process oriented, debugging is often non-linear and looks like it’s intuition oriented. But…
A new Developer Hero joins us in our latest installment of the Cosmic JS Developer Spotlight Series…
First off, this is a tremendously concise and digestible article. Thanks for that — it can certainly be difficult to distill concepts like this into an easy to understand format.
If I can add on to what Cory House said — this line stuck out to me:
In case you missed it, Node now supports async/await…
I’m on the receiving end of a lot of reference calls. I try to be thoughtful and direct in my responses, but I’m increasingly annoyed by the generic nature of the questions. Over time, I’ve developed an approach to doing…