All Stories published by on March 30, 2017

How to query JSONB, beginner sheet cheat

Let’s say we have to query a user table with a metadata JSONB column on a PostgreSQL 9.5+ database.

React tutorial: setting up a React project with webpack

It takes a lot of pieces to set up a React project from scratch using webpack. This is a walkthrough on how I set my last project up.

First let’s initialize npm.

Why first-time founders can’t listen

As someone who’s had a startup not work out as planned (cough fail cough), one thing I’ve noticed is that we first-time founders always say “we wish people had told us this before” when we fail. We’ll write post-mortems full of the same old clichéd startup advice…

Elijah McClain, George Floyd, Eric Garner, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Michael Brown, Oscar Grant, Atatiana Jefferson, Tamir Rice, Bettie Jones, Botham Jean
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