PW News and Updates #28

For June 15th-30th 2022

Ravyne Hawke
Promptly Written


Photo by Valery Rabchenyuk on Unsplash

Greetings PW writers and readers. Sadly, this is our last newsletter, as I explained previously.

So, come on in. Belly up to the bar one last time. Grab a drink and a snack. This newsletter will be a bit short and bittersweet.

The loss of PW is just as devastating to me as I am sure it is to you. This has been my dream and I want to thank all of you for helping it come to fruition. When my health improves, I hope to re-establish PW, but it may not come back in the same form it has been in the last nine months.

I want to take a moment of gratitude — I have met some remarkable writers during my time as EIC here and count many of you as friends. I hope that friendship will continue as I will do my best to continue reading your work wherever it lands. I’ve also had the good fortune to work with the best editorial team an EIC can ask for here on Medium. My deepest thanks and gratitude to all of you.

FYI — Although our doors will be closing here, please feel free to contact me any time you need my assistance with your writing, a suggestion, or just to have a friendly chat. My email —


  • I have ‘archived’ your stories here. Technically, this means that although I have removed you as a writer, I will continue to host your work here at PW for as long as you wish to keep it here. You may, without asking for my consent, remove any or all of your work.
  • The winner for the June writing challenge will be announced on July 7th. Technically, that will be our last correspondence here. We received some amazing stories and want to take an extra week to evaluate them all before making our final decision. You can read all eleven (11) of the eligible stories here:

June Triple Centina Writing Challenge

11 stories



As promised, I put out a publication of interest resource post. I hope you will find suitable places from that list to submit your wonderful stories. I know the owners of quite a few of these publications and I know they’ve created safe places for your words. Please give some or all of them a chance to host your work.


I want to congratulate Peter Ling for using Christine Graves’s June Word-A-Day prompts for the entire month of June in a fantastic 30 part story title — The June Murders. This is an exciting Whodunit. You can read all 30 parts to the story here:

June Murder Mystery

30 stories

I also want to thank Suma Narayan for sharing some fantastic Summer Music essays with us. You can read them here:

Suma's Summer Music Essays

5 stories

Also, check out this Summer Music essay by Ellen Baker

It is with a heavy heart that I must say my near-final farewells to all of you. Please be on the lookout for a post on July 7th for the challenge winner. I so enjoyed publishing your work. Thank you all.

~Ravyne Hawke, EIC



Ravyne Hawke
Promptly Written

Writing Coach, Poet, Fiction Writer, Essayist, Artist, Dreamer | “Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the Ocean” ~Thich Nhat Hanh