All Stories published by on November 22, 2016

Guilds, Ethics, and Software Engineering as one of The Professions

Programmers like me shared some interesting stories on Reddit and Hacker News last week after a post by Bill Sourour went viral. In “The code I’m still ashamed of” he recounts how, as a young software engineer, he…

Machine Learning for Android Developers with the Mobile Vision API — Part 3 — Text Detection

Incase you missed it, here are the prequels to this article about the Mobile Vision API. The first post was on the Face Detection API while the second was on the Barcode…

A lighter pull request workflow

Startup development teams need to optimize for speed. Code needs to ship quickly to validate ideas, and it needs to turn on a dime as feedback comes in. Perfect code that solves the wrong problem or ships too late is of no use to the company.

Avoiding 3rd Party API Calls in Phoenix Tests

Recently when working on a Phoenix project I found that I wanted to avoid making 3rd party API calls when running my tests. Using Twilio, through the ExTwilio library, I was sending SMS messages to users. Each SMS message cost money to send and my…

80% at 10 million or 40% at 15?

Picture this: You raised a million in seed. It has been two years. You have traction but not that level that you anticipated. You have to raise Series A. There are some nods, nothing in paper. You will run out of cash in 3–4 months. The team will rebel. Some of them have…

Elijah McClain, George Floyd, Eric Garner, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Michael Brown, Oscar Grant, Atatiana Jefferson, Tamir Rice, Bettie Jones, Botham Jean
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