All Stories published by on December 20, 2017

Four lessons learned while hunting for a data scientist role

For the last 2 months or so, I’ve spent a huge part of my days doing job hunting activities, more specifically for data related jobs(Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer). I really felt that this experience was very…

Private NPM Packages with Google Cloud Functions

Visit for my latest blog posts.

tl;dr: It is now officially supported 🎉!

As part of an AWS to GCP migration, we wanted to leverage Google Cloud Functions…

The unexpected empathy of open source

Open source software is more human than you think.

The benefits of free and open source software are often recited. Auditability, community, quality, interoperability, cost, and many others. These benefits sound great for businesses…

Run asynchronous stand-up meetings and track team performance in Slack

Standuply is a bot that runs standup meetings by interviewing your team members in Slack and delivers answers to Slack, Trello and email.

Seed Investors Really Need to Make 15.2x

In a recent post Fred Wilson wrote about seed investing:

“When you lose on 60–80% of your investments, you really need the ability to make 10–20x on your winners.”

What’s exactly this buzzword called Blockchain?

Currently, everyone in the tech industry is talking about Cryptocurrencies.

Investors, Developers and Entrepreneurs, everyone has their eye on the crypto space. For newbies, it might be a pain to understand what the hype…

Elijah McClain, George Floyd, Eric Garner, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Michael Brown, Oscar Grant, Atatiana Jefferson, Tamir Rice, Bettie Jones, Botham Jean
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