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Recovering from Religion
Published in
8 min readAug 2, 2020

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My Ship Crashed

Beware the Wolf

My Virginity is a Piece of Cake (And You Can Eat it)

The Treasure of Renounced Faith

Leaving the Romanian Orthodox Church

Does the Bible Really Teach Family Values?

The Second Coming

Is God Your Enemy?

Tis the Season to be Grinchy

I’m an Ex-Christian Who Walked into a Buddhist Cult

Leave Faith Behind

Christian Romance Novels are Garbage

Atheists Must Stop Using the Word ‘Religion’

I Should Divorce the Cleveland Browns This Year

The Real Meaning of the Holy Trinity

One Way to Make Christians Instantly Toss out Salvation by Faith

Starting Over Isn’t Easy

The “Sinner’s Prayer” for Salvation Makes No Sense

Dirty Secrets of Prayer

My Journey to Humanism

Are Women Driving the Decline in Church Attendance?

Born This Way?

Why We’re Ashamed to Admit the Flaws of our Religion

Who Decides What Biblical Doctrine is Orthodox?

The Evangelical Logic Fail on Abortion

This Episode of The Handmaid’s Tale Sucks

The American Duo of Political Christianities

The ‘Care List’: my deconversion story

Why We Need Evidence

The Bible According to Mark Twain

“Pastor Says”

The Pledge of Allegiance, Reconsidered

“Unfollow” Reveals a Deep Truth About Religion

Me and Young Goodman Brown

Why There Are No Religious Beliefs or Practices

Questioning Christianity Led Me Out of the Faith

Humility Without Religion

Religious Trauma is Trauma

Ten Reasons to Ban the Bible From Schools

Ten Thought Questions for Christians

Beliefs Are The Root of All Evil

Jesus Therapy

Gratitude Without Religion

I Came out as Gay to my Church

Christian Salesmanship and the Trivializing of Fiction

Using Anger After Being Taught to Suppress It

I Was Raised as a Christian Scientist

My Fellow Muslim Women: Does Islam Really Give You Rights?

An Open Letter to “Christianity Today”

Abortion, Homosexuality and the Truth That Lives in Nuance

If She Doesn’t Obey You, Hit Her

How a Concern for Morality Drove Me Into, Then Out of Evangelicalism

A Natural Immunity to Evangelicalism?

The Religious President Putin

Any Film Titled “Leaving God” Is Going to Piss off a Few People

Made in Our Image

The Unholy Kinship of Faith, Suspended Disbelief, and Psychopathy

I want(ed) to believe (by D. Mullen)

Churches Utilize Data To Prey On Grieving, Vulnerable People

Two Very Polite Mormons Shook My Faith

Why My Personality Didn’t Match With My Religion

As Faith Faded, I Became More Myself

Breaking Hell’s Spell

Review: “Atheism for Kids” by Jessica Thorpe and Teal Barnes

Manipulated by Faith

Christian Purity Culture Ruined My Ability to Have Male Friends

My Top 4 Reasons For Leaving Religion and God

The New Apostolic Reformation

Review: “The Anatomy of Deconversion” by John Marriott

I Was Abused

Going From Selling God to Leaving God

How (And Why) Americans Were Programmed to Hate Atheists

When the Church Sides with the Abuser

Can Sunday School Teachers Be Wrong?

Does Life Have Meaning if God Does Not Exist?

My First Gay Friend

Celebrating Thanksgiving as a Nonbeliever

Ethics aren’t an exception, they’re the rule

The Terrible Things I Was Taught

Religious Faith: A Free Pass In A Trivial Game

It’s Hard to Watch Good People Struggle With Religion

Life on a Pendulum

She Killed A Child To Get Into Heaven

Suddenly I Felt God Telling Me

9 Reasons I Never Tried Liberal Christianity

Christianity’s Frequent Use of the Reset Button

The Deeper Reason Why Skeptics Should Scoff at Christian Miracles

The Power of Prayer or the Power of the Mind?

The Logical Paradox of a Good God

God’s Morbid Plan for Unvaccinated Christians

Long Term Indoctrination

Christian “Miracles”

Recreating Creation: 5 Ways God Could Have Improved Nature

My Year in Sister School: Part I, The Crime

Come to Think of It, Maybe We Are Living in the New Babylon

Here are 7 Proofs of Evolution

Creando Una Nueva Comunidad

Did God Really Say?

How Religion Struggles to Explain Dinosaur Pain

Do Science and Christianity Conflict?

Self Imposing Actions Affected by Religion

Think: Doubt

Leaving Religion Is the Hardest Divorce

Here’s Why No Near Death Experience Can Ever Convince a Skeptic

Ten Evangelical Maxims

The Problem of Irreligion

More Thoughts to Ponder About Prayer

To Join This Church, I Had to Waive My Right to Think Critically

Creating the Voice of Imaginary Jesus

Can Spirituality Be Rational?

Our Morality is Secular, Not Biblical

How Differences of Definition Divide Us

Everyone Has an A$$hole, But You Don’t Have to Be One

Why I, an Athiest, Am Looking Forward to the Afterlife

Think: Don’t be Devout

How People From an Uncontacted Island Tribe Made Me Doubt My Faith

White Evangelicals’ Travails Almost Make Me Believe in God Again

Soul (chapter from Recovering from Christianity)

Christians and the Climate Crisis

The Second Reformation of the Christian Church

The Other Side of the Prestige

You Are Not Broken and You Don’t Need to Be Saved

Surrounded by Catholics Part 1: Blessings on Everything

Oh How Easy it is to Create a God

Do Evangelicals Want Me to Suffer?

A Cult Introduced Me To a More Tolerant World

No Explanation, No Apology

Leaving Islam — My Journey Towards Atheism

Are You Ready For Your Next Leap of Faith?

Bible Stories Never Preached in Church…Part Two

These 5-Day Summer Camps Will Do More Harm Than Good

If Jesus Lived Today, Would Religious Conservatives Label Him “Queer”?

You Were Damaged by Religion — But How Do We Prevent Others from the Same?

Why We Are Anti-Christs

Ten Bible Stories Never Preached in Church

On the Path of the Other

Where Does the Christian God Stand Amongst Us?

Spiritual Abuse, & How To Recognize It

No God Helped Me When I Needed It Most

Christianity Taught Me to Abuse my Children

Why Women Like Anna Duggar Stay Married

Do Christians Really Believe the Bible?

In Defense of The Good Place

In God’s Hands

Being Bisexual in an Evangelical Church; Hidden Homophobia

“Indiana Jones” and God’s Imperfect Plan

My Mom Warned Me Not to Get the Vaccine

A New Atheist Questions the Concept of Self During an Observation at a Psychiatric Hospital

Jesus is Not Coming Back

Biblical Healing, Essential Oils and Purity Culture

This Shift in Thinking Made My Deconversion Possible

Repeat After Me: I am Not ‘A Sinner’

4 Reasons I Quit Religion

The Ten Commandments Are Not What You Think They Are

An Atheist Goes to Church Camp

Jesus, Lord and Abuser


There Are No Monotheistic Religions

Death Beyond Belief

Covid-19 and the Problem of Evil

Callas — OMG!!

Whose Idea Was This Anyway?

The Illusory Truth Effect

Death Bothers Me More as an Athiest

“The Good Place:” Doing the Afterlife Right

The Belief That Nearly Broke My Marriage

Is the New Testament Really “Nicer” than the Old Testament?

Divorce is NOT Wrong

What’s the Difference Between Atheism and Religion?

Thou Shalt Not Be Sick

“And Then, We Die…”

Learning About Scientology Helped Me Understand the Pain of My Childhood

The New “Black” Athiest

How Christianity Encourages Codependence

Santa Claus Theology

Celebrating Christmas as a Deconvert

Ten Fatal Flaws of the Bible

My Bout With a God Virus

God’s Will or Yours?

Repression or Obsession?

A Very Deconverted Christmas

Gratitude and Giving

A Family Separated By Unbelief

That Time at Summer Camp

Bit of Green: Speaking to the Heart of Trauma-Healing

Mind Infections, Part 3: How to Quarantine Them

Why it is Logical to be an Atheist

Is Christianity Inherently Racist?

What About People Who Never Heard the Gospel?

Maintaining Mental Health During Social Distancing

The Patriarchal Church

Spiritually Free From Church

The Day I Left Christianity

My Top 5 Favorite Sins

Mind Infections, Part 2: How Do They Work?

My Preacher’s Kid Ex-Boyfriend

Ten Reasons Why the Bible’s Story of the Exodus is Not True

Mind Infections, Part 1: How to Recognize Them

The Beginning of Doubt

Can Religions Be Objectively Disproved?

When Church Hurts

Rated “R” For Religion

You’re Doing it Wrong

We Need Actual Love From Other Humans

Reality: Why I left the Christian faith (Part 2)

Hope in a Godless World

When Guiding Becomes Dictating

Virgin Birth of Jesus — Biblical and Biological Perspectives

Perfection: Why I left the Christian faith (Part 1)

6 Ways To Heal From Religious Indoctrination

Holy Genocide: The Danger of Bible-Based Morality

Thriving in a Mixed Secular/Religious Relationship: RfRx talk with Rebecca Williams, LMFT

How Sheep Undermine the Biblical Narrative

How Religion Controlled My Political Views

Why Do Many People Still Believe that Adam and Eve Were Real?

Dear Karen: Your Discomfort is Important

Born Again Virgin

The Three Things That Would Make Me a Christian

The Religious Chasm Between Me and My Relatives

Good Grief

The Psychology of Religious Trauma

Was Jesus ‘The Perfect Sacrifice’?

And You Call Yourself a Christian?

Homeless in the Atlas Mountains, I Sought God — and Found Myself Instead

Why I’m No Longer a Christian

His Eye Is On the Sparrow… Really?

I Want(ed) to Believe (by A. Hyun)

Setting Boundaries: Sometimes It Is Easier Said Than Done

My Pilgrimage to Mecca Made Me an Agnostic Ex-Muslim

But It Hurts Now

Can Anyone Be Certain that Their God is the True One?

Regaining a Sense of Wonder

Why “Prince Of Egypt” Is The Best Deconversion Movie Of All Time

Why Do Some Believers Long For the ‘End Times’?

40 Reasons I’m Not Religious

If You Were An All Powerful & Good God…

Biblical Contradictions & Mass Confusion

Should I Tell People I’m Not Religious Anymore? A Flowchart

Building a New Community

Why I Never Have Doubts about Leaving Christianity

Religious Obedience Nearly Killed Me

6 Alternatives to the ‘Loving God, Fiery Hell’ Paradox

The End is Always Nigh

Would You Send Her to Hell?

How the Secular Therapy Project Helped Me Change My Life

The Absent Father

In Love with a Believer: A Journey of Compromise

Coming Out as Atheist: Do It YOUR Way

Still Afraid of Going to Hell? Read This and Relax.

You Are Good, and You’re Not Going to Hell

Seven Problems in Christianity That Killed My Faith

Finding a Purpose Without God

Are You at War with Yourself?

My Pastor Made Me an Atheist

Twirling, Twirling, Twirling Towards Freedom

Religion Holds the Mind Ransom to Irrational Beliefs

My Deconstruction and Eventual Deconversion from Fundamentalist, Evangelical Christianity

I Told God I Didn’t Believe and He Spoke to Me

Dear Sister: I am an Atheist

Whose Pain is it?

The Sky Without God

If I Can Break Free From a Cult After More Than 40 Years — So Can You

The Garden of Eden Story Isn’t About the Fall of Humankind

Hell, & How I Let It Go

6 Ways to Provide Better Care for Suicidal Non-Religious People

From Mormon to Agnostic: Becoming “Human Again”

A Memoir of a Lifelong Atheist

Tabula Rasa, or My Blank Pages

My Escape from the Belly of the Beast

I Tried to Believe in God — My Mind Wouldn’t Let Me




Recovering from Religion

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