Say Hello, Wave Goodbye: The Latest at QuickTalk

The Essential Medium Directory, Yana Bostongirl’s Column, QuickTips, & Pub Crawl

KiKi Walter
Published in
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6 min readMay 2, 2023


We’ve had a few changes around the QuickTalk headquarters so I wanted to send out a quick newsletter to highlight what our current features are and what changes have been made. Hold on to your hats friends, get ready for this fast ride….

The Essential Directory of Medium Publications

QuickTalk is the home of The Essential Directory of Medium Publications — a real-time collaborative spreadsheet created by me (KiKi Walter). All publication owners are welcome to add their pub to the sheet along with details such as if you’re accepting writers, your about statement, and main topics. There is no waiting time — as soon as a pub is added, it populates in the spreadsheet. Make sure you look up your publication first though — I’ve already started with well over 300 pubs in the directory!

This spreadsheet can be searched, sorted, and filtered by users who access it.

Dr. Preeti from Yana BostonGirl’s piece “Why Having a Guide on Medium Helps My Writing Life

The Colors of Life With Yana BostonGirl

Yana Bostongirl joined the Tranquil Tavern editorial team in early February. As an editor, she lends her expertise to The Memoirist, Age of Empathy, and Black Bear. In addition, she’s continuing the work she started at Coffee Times here at QuickTalk with her column Colors of Life—an interview series that explores different aspects of creativity. Please enjoy the first of Yana’s pieces here:


Pub Crawl

My Pub Crawl has been on hiatus for some time, but it’s time to wake it from its slumber and start stumbling into some publications once a month. I’ve set a new rule. I’m going to pick the pub from the directory — so if you’d like your publication featured and you aren’t yet in the directory…there’s another incentive! Here are a few of my features:

Image via Scot Butwell

Saying Farewell to Our Friday Interview Series With Scot Butwell

We’re sad to announce that with his year-end interview, Scot Butwell closed up shop to focus on some off-platform activities. His weekly column was nothing short of amazing and we could always count on another fabulous writer interview every Friday. (Scot truly found a calling with his interviews!) I want to personally thank Scot for all the hard work he put in and for always being a friendly face around campus. We’ll miss you, Scot!

If you’ve missed any of Scot’s interviews, check out any of his chats with the following writers (click on their names to read the interviews).

QuickTalk is exclusively a column-only publication. If you have questions, problems with the directory, or a column pitch, please email



KiKi Walter

AKA "The Memoir Queen." Ki is the founder & co-publisher of The Memoirist, Age of Empathy, Black Bear, Dear KiKi, QuickTalk, The Mayhem, Songstories, and more.