Top Stories published by Startup Grind in January of 2017

99% of tech startup leaders in Norway are men. I “leaned in” and the treatment I got was brutal.

All the Public Startup Pitch Decks in One Place

A few weeks ago, Joshua Levy and I announced we were starting work on The Open Guide to Startup Fundraising. To say the guide is growing to considerable size would be an understatement. As we continue work, I thought it would be criminal not to…

These were the top 10 stories published by Startup Grind in January of 2017. You can also dive into daily archives for January of 2017 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Startup Grind
Stories, tips, and learnings from and for startups around the world. Welcoming submissions re: startup education, tech trends, product, design, hiring, growth, investing, and more. Interested in submitting? Visit our submission form here:
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