#365DaysOfWriting — Day 207

Taking the bull by the horns

Kung Fu Panda
1 min readDec 1, 2016

But how do you do it if it’s a bull in a china shop?

It’s hard to take control of a situation when it’s already chaotic.

Don’t complain! Don’t nitpick!

It’s a challenge worthy of a true warrior.

Roll up your sleeves, take down your mental barriers.

A raging bull needs to be tamed like a shrew.

Don’t get me going all Shakespearean, it ain’t that shrewd.

I think I’ve spouted enough nonsense for a day.

Don’t mind my rap. Or limerick. Or lime-rap. Good night.





Kung Fu Panda

Writer. Can consume abnormally large quantities of food. An 18-year-old trapped in an ageing body. AKA Dragon Warrior. In quest of achieving inner peace.