#365DaysOfWriting — Day 229

Should I buy a Google Pixel?

Kung Fu Panda
1 min readDec 23, 2016

It’s a question I’ve been wrestling with for a while now. I love my iPhone 6, and my last 3 phones have been iPhones, but I’ve had this itch to get back to Android for a while.

You know what’s caught my attention?

The Google Assistant. It’s FAR better than Siri, recognises Indian accents and is more intuitive. At least from the reviews I’ve seen so far anyway.

The hurdle? The price tag.

I haven’t even paid that amount for any of my iPhones. Another hurdle is all my paid music on iTunes. I’ll need to find a way to download that. Android doesn’t support iTunes, sadly.

Decisions, decisions… if any of you have suggestions, feel free to write to me!





Kung Fu Panda

Writer. Can consume abnormally large quantities of food. An 18-year-old trapped in an ageing body. AKA Dragon Warrior. In quest of achieving inner peace.