#365DaysOfWriting — Day 247

Happy birthday Yesudas

Kung Fu Panda
1 min readJan 10, 2017


गोरी तेरा गाँव बड़ा प्यारा…

I begin today’s post with my favourite Yesudas song on his birthday. For a man who is a legend in South Indian cinema, he certainly left an indelible mark on Bollywood. Truly great singers transcend languages – Yesudas was one of them.

I’ll tell you why Yesudas singing in Hindi was a great deal.

For a Malayali native, Hindi accents don’t come naturally. There is a certain distinct twang in the way Hindi is spoken, and (quite unfairly) that twang is often ridiculed by native Hindi speakers. Heck, even I make fun of it at times. For Yesudas to come to Bollywood, after years of singing in Malayalam films, and singing with such confidence and panache, must’ve taken a lot of hard work and dedication (effortless as it may have sounded). True, Yesudas didn’t have to prove anything to anyone, and he would’ve been a legend even without his Hindi work, but the very fact that his Hindi songs are as legendary speaks volumes of the man.

I’ll share a few more of my favourite Yesudas songs.

Manichitratazhu from Manichitratazhu.

Vaishakha sandhye from Nadodikattu.

O Priye from Aniyathipravu.

सुरमई अँखियों में from सदमा.

सुनैना from सुनैना.

जब दीप जले आना from चिटचोर.

There are many, many more – but these are the ones that immediately come to mind. Happy birthday Yesudas. Keep the दीप burning brightly, as always.





Kung Fu Panda

Writer. Can consume abnormally large quantities of food. An 18-year-old trapped in an ageing body. AKA Dragon Warrior. In quest of achieving inner peace.